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Este es un programa internacional de primera calidad de Team Coaching organizado e impartido por Belbin en el Reino Unido. A continuación detallamos toda la información de interés sobre el mismo. 

Team Coaching to support teams to survive and thrive in a constantly changing environment

For decades, Belbin has recognised and promoted real teamwork as the crucial link between strategy and business outcomes. Team coaching has long been at the heart of what we do.

The Belbin Accredited Team Coaching Programme has been developed to help others understand how to curate team growth, learning and better business performance.

Definition of Team Coaching

The Association for Coaching® (AC) uses the following:

“The application of coaching skills while working with a whole, intact team over time to improve inter-dependent members’ abilities to work together collaboratively to achieve the team’s collective purpose, potential and performance.”

Programme Overview

This exciting new programme is designed for those looking to expand their skills and gain accreditation in the emerging area of Team Coaching. 

It provides a unique learning opportunity as delegates are guided and fully supported through a nine-month programme by a faculty of internationally accredited and experienced Team Coaches. 

The learning programme will combine elements of tacit learning through exploring relevant current theory, alongside individual action and practice, followed by active, critical reflection, with an emphasis very much on the latter.

This is crucial to the learning as it will enable delegates to cultivate an aptitude for reflexive learning. In doing so, delegates will be enabled to develop their own perspective, understanding and approach for when and how they would operate as a Team Coach.

It is a 9 month programme. The 2024 intake begins on 16th January and concludes at the end of September.

There are 3 residential* elements (CoLabs) which take place at Madingley Hall, Institute of Continuing Education (ICE), University of Cambridge on the following dates:

16th - 18th January 2024  /  28th - 30th May 2024  /  17th - 18th September 2024

* Accommodation and selected meals during attendance at all 3 residential CoLabs included in programme fee

FAQs here

Video: What is Team Coaching?

Team Coaching is a rapidly emerging field which can bring benefits for both companies and individuals, supporting achievement of both personal development and business goals.

Fenlan Miller from Belbin and Chris Jackson, one of the coaches on the Belbin Accredited Team Coaching programme, sat down for a quick chat to explore the question "What is Team Coaching (and what is it not)?".

Watch the short video to find out.

Learning outcomes at a glance

  • An exclusive and unique programme using Belbin Team Roles as a basis for understanding team strengths
  • Learning outcomes representative of the ideologies covered by the internationally recognised Inner Development Goals (IDGs) framework
  • A focus on ‘learning by doing’, exploring relevant theories alongside individual action and practice
  • Collaborative learning approach to nurture development of critical, reflective thinking and self-awareness
  • Delegates will develop the confidence and ability to build and apply a personal approach to Team Coaching
  • Programme delivered by a faculty of internationally accredited and experienced team coaches


Those successfully passing the final assessment will be awarded “Belbin Accredited Team Coach” status.

All Belbin Accredited Team Coaches will be listed in the Team Coaching section of the main Belbin website.


  • Nine months, part-time
  • Three residential ‘CoLabs’ (2 x 3 days, 1 x 2 days) held at Madingley Hall, Institute of Continuing Education (ICE), University of Cambridge*
  • Online 1:1 support and group sessions in-between residential Colabs
  • Next intake: commences 16th January 2024 *only 1 place remaining*

*Accommodation and specified meals are included in the programme fee.

Descárgate el folleto del Programa de Coaching de Equipos Acreditado Belbin rellenando el formulario.

Contiene información sobre "Cómo reservar" y detalles exhaustivos sobre el contenido del programa.

Who should participate?

Individuals who are looking to develop the skills, confidence and aptitude to apply a personal approach to Team Coaching.

Delegates will require a high level of sustained energy and enthusiasm, an enquiring mind, a commitment to personal learning and development, and a willingness to continually practice and reflect. This programme is not a ‘tick box’, ‘learn by rote’ approach.

Delegates are required to be Belbin Accredited to join the programme.

Delegates will have the opportunity to study in the inspiring setting of Madingley Hall, part of the Institute of Continuing Education (ICE), University of Cambridge.

Situated in magnificent gardens, designed in the 18th-century by Capability Brown, Madingley Hall is just four miles from the centre of historic Cambridge.

All three residential segments will be held here. Parking, accommodation and selected meals are included in the cost of the programme, so attendees can focus on their learning experience.

Inner Development Goals Framework

A further unique aspect to this Team Coaching programme is that it is mapped to the Inner Development Goals (IDGs), an essential toolkit of skills for the sustainable development of leaders and individuals alike.

The IDGs are a fundamental framework that supports the United Nations ‘Sustainable Development Goals for a sustainable world by 2030’ initiative.

One of the programme tutors, Elena Hinova-McNamee, discusses team coaching including the benefits of applying elements of the IDG Goal number one, 'Being', within a team coaching approach.

The more self-aware individuals can be, the easier it is for them to adapt to this way of working with a team to help them to learn and develop.

Watch the short video to discover why.

Waiting List

To maximise the potential for varied and in-depth learning, and to build a meaningful learning community within each cohort, numbers will be kept between 8 – 10 participants.

There is now only 1 place remaining on the inaugural January 2024 intake.

Dates for the second intake will be announced early 2024. A waiting list will be kept and managed with places on upcoming programmes being offered on a first come first serve basis.

Contact the Belbin team to join the waiting list.


Download a brochure, email us or pick up the phone.

We are looking forward to hearing from you.

P.S. There is a limited time, not to be repeated offer for those signing up for the January 2024 intake. Don't miss out, call us today.

Find FAQs here

Descárgate el folleto del Programa de Coaching de Equipos Acreditado Belbin rellenando el formulario.

Contiene información sobre "Cómo reservar" y detalles exhaustivos sobre el contenido del programa.